Fifty this time. Fifty dead and another fifty-three wounded. When will enough be enough?
Enough to pass a law requiring universal background checks? Enough to make sure if you are on the "no fly" list you are also on a "no buy" list? Enough to outlaw high capacity magazines for anyone other than the military and law enforcement SWAT teams? Enough to reinstate the assault weapons ban?
It sickens me that this violence in the United States continues, and no one in Congress wants to do anything about it.
And the cost. The cost in terms of human suffering. The cost in terms of lost potential in the lives of the victims. The cost of ongoing care and rehabilitation for the survivors.
If we can't keep the criminals from possessing weapons with this tremendous destructive power, we need a funding mechanism to support the victims.
A superfund for victims. Money won't bring back the dead. But their families should be compensated for the loss of their loved ones. And the survivors often needs years of rehabilitation.
The gun and ammunition manufacturers and importers are profiting from the sale of these killing machines. They should have to pay a tax to clean up the mess their product is making.
And all those who want to possess these weapons of destruction should have to pay a tax for their destructive use.
All of us are paying the price to protect a few manufacturers and importers from the irresponsible production, sale and use of their products. I think it is time for those profiting to start making reparation for the mess their product makes.
Please, write your Senators, write your Congressman. If we all band together to say enough is enough, maybe, just maybe, something will change.
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